Tank semi trailer’s functions:
- transportation of liquid CO2 from producer or storehouse to consumer;
- visual monitoring of product capacity and working pressure when filling, storing or discharging.
The inner vessel is made of low-alloy steel and covered with rigid polyurethane that has good heat-insulated and hygroscopic properties. Polyurethane does not let moisture get to the vessel’s surface and protects against corrosion. It ensures long-term storage of carbon dioxide with daily pressure buildup of no more than 0.15 MPa at average daily temperature 30°C. The heatinsulated vessel is protected against ultra-violet rays and weather impact with a jacket, made of galvanized steel and covered with light-reflecting powdered polyester enamel.
The tank has a multiple safety system. Safety fittings (2 bleeders) are mounted in the way that allows their examination and repair without having to stop and empty tank. Carbon dioxide filling and delivery are made through ball valves (d =32). All fittings are made of stainless steel.
Each tank semi trailer can be customized according to special needs and equipped with a CO2 transfer pump system with capacity of 10t /h for quick transferring of liquid CO2 from one vessel to another.
TsZhU 10-2.0 and TsZhU 18-2.0 can be equipped with a refrigeration system to maintain pressure.
Capaciousness and working pressure make TsZhU 22-2,2 unique.
All equipment has complete instruction manual and documentation.
Warranty period: 24 months.